News from GITPA (June 2021)
At the beginning of the new term, we wish to take this opportunity to thank members and friends of GITPA for your support and participation. Members are more than welcome to contact us to express your views and convey ideas on matters relating to the Analyst/Programmer Grade.
The new ExCo will continue to prepare a variety of recreational activities for you. Further updates will be announced in upcoming GITPA news, the GITPA Blog on Knowledge & Information Collaborative Platform (KICP) and our website: gitpa.org.hk. Stay tuned!
The meeting between GITPA and OGCIO Grade Management was held on 5 May 2021. We discussed several topics which our members most concerned about, as highlighted below –
- We noticed some colleagues had resigned recently and showed our concerns. According to information collected by Grade Management, the majority of the reasons for the resignation given were personal reasons.
- In response to our enquiry whether more APIIs would be recruited to fill the vacancies left by those who had resigned in recent months, Grade Management assured that sufficient number of eligible candidates had been selected for appointment and waiting list in the APII recruitment exercise conducted this year to fill the vacancies. It was expected that the vacancies, including those arising from recent resignation cases, would be filled and new APIIs would start to report duty later this year.
- Concerning colleagues who leave the service, we requested Grade Management to issue posting order earlier as possible before officers started their leave.
- We suggested Grade Management to inform all colleagues upon the commencement of the annual deployment planning exercise so that colleagues could take the opportunity to discuss their deployment plans with line management. Grade Management has sent the email for the exercise 2021/22 to all APIs and APIIs on 21 June 2021.
The full minutes had been uploaded to the OGCIO portal (link to download) and we encourage you to provide any feedback and suggestion to us for our next meeting with Grade Management.
GITPA Ex-Co 2021-22