News from GITPA (September 2022)
Member Benefits
We are pleased to inform you that the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) continues to offer membership discount for both new application and membership renewal to our GITPA members. For details please refer to our GITPA website: https://gitpa.org.hk/membership-benefits/
Struggling for your data plan? Here are some new options offered by Hong Kong Broadband Network (HKBN) that may help. A corporate discount offer for our GITPA members!
For GITPA members who wish to register for the mentioned services, please contact your site representatives (Site Representatives List (as at Sep 2022) – GITPA) or Social Conveners at 2601 8824 (Davy CHAN) / 3543 1512 (Justin TO) / 3509 7190 (Raymond YIP) / 3855 6714 (Shirley LAI) for details.
There are still more member benefits to come! Please stay tuned to our up-coming emails and our website for the latest information!
For non-GITPA members, please join us now and enjoy the discount offers! Details can be found at https://gitpa.org.hk/membership-application-renewal/ (2022 Annual membership will last until 31/12/2022).
The membership application form can be accessed via the URL (http://bit.ly/gitpa_membership) and the QR code below:
GITPA ExCo 2022-23