GITPA Newsletter 2019/20
Dear Members,
It is our pleasure to present you with the GITPANewsletter 2020! You may access the Newsletter on our website via the following URL:
KICP Blog: Newsletter 2019/20

Below are some highlights of this issue:

GITPA Annual Report 2019-2020 |
Chairman’s Words / Activities Summary |
A summary of our work in 2019/20 from Ms. Ida LEE, our Chairman. |
Feature Story
專訪三位前會長 |
An interview with our ex-Chairmen, Mr. Stephen MAK, Mr. Donald MAK and Ms. Jenny WOO, which they share a lot of their experiences as an ExCo member of GITPA and many insights about our future. |
GITPA大事回顧 |
A timeline summarizes the events of GITPA along our 40-year journey. |
Member’ Columns |
《廿二世紀殺人網絡》二十周年 |
Mr. Jack CHAN shares his thought after he watched the special 20th anniversary edition of the movie, Matrix. |
澳洲凱恩斯 大堡礁之旅 |
Mr. Alan WU writes about his fantastic trip to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. There are a lot of great photos stunning us! |
峭壁上的芭蕾舞 |
Mr. Albert CHAN introduces the fun of rock climbing. |
在家運動App推薦 |
Mr. Winston LEUNG recommends a mobile app and other ways on how to make exercise a habit. |
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Instead of going through page by page, you can jump to the section you find interesting by clicking it on the contents page. You can also jump back to the contents page through the page number (i.e.) on the bottom of the most of the pages.
Enjoy reading!
Best Regards,