News from GITPA (May 2017)
GITPA Newsletter
GITPA Newsletter 2016/17 has been published! In this issue, you can know more about GITPA’s work in the last year. We have also invited Ir. Allen YEUNG, JP – Government Chief Information Officer, Mr. Victor LAM, JP – Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Infrastructure and Operations), and Mr. Tony WONG – Assistant Government Chief Information Officer (Industry Development) to share with us their experience of participating in IT professional associations! You can access the Newsletter at the following KICP link: GITPA Newsletter 2016/17
Enjoy reading!
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) cum Annual Dinner was held on 17 May 2017 (Wednesday) at the Hong Kong Medical Association Club House (Wanchai Premises). In the meeting, the ExCo gave an account of GITPA’s work as well as the financial position in the past year. The proposed revisions on the Rules of Association were adopted, and the new ExCo 2017/18 was also successfully elected. The dinner was conducted in a pleasant atmosphere. Participants enjoyed the game session very much and some won the attractive prizes!

(front) Janice TANG, Candy CHAN, Leonard LAM, Angus TAM
Name | Post | Phone | Location | |
Chairman | Ms Candy WC CHAN | SSM/JUD | 2886 6403 | Eastern Law Courts Building |
Vice Chairman | Mr Leonard FC LAM | SSM/PO | 2927 7129 | FWD Financial Centre, Sheung Wan |
Secretary | Miss Janice SM TANG | API/MD | 2852 4749 | Harbour Building |
Treasurer | Mr Angus MC TAM | SM(ID)62 | 3655 5775 | Tamar |
Committee Member (Membership Secretary) | Mr Winston WH LEUNG | APII/LR | 2867 5855 | Queensway Government Offices |
Committee Member (Editor) | Miss Nicole WY WONG | ASM(ST)21 | 3182 6513 | Cyberport |
Committee Member (Editor – Webmaster) | Mr Richard KW WONG | API/C&SD Ag. | 2582 2137 | Wanchai Tower |
Committee Member (Social Convener) | Ms Phyllis WM LEUNG | ASM(G&R)42 | 2231 5420 | North Point Government Offices |
Committee Member (Social Convener) | Ms Hebe HW LAU | APII/ImmD | 2829 4034 | Immigration Tower |
Committee Member (Social Convener) | Mr Tony WP HO | APII/HKPF | 2860 6051 | Arsenal House, Police Headquarters |
Committee Member (Social Convener) | Miss YS CHAN | APII/WFSFAA | 2153 2011 | Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices |
Supporting Member | Ms Angel OK WONG | SM/FEHD | 2879 5570 | Lockhart Road Municipal Service Building |
Supporting Member | Mr Dagan KC CHIU | SM/EDB Ag. | 3540 7330 | Wu Chung House |
Supporting Member | Mr Joshua MY CHAN | ASM(SEC)21 | 3182 6666 | Cyberport |
Supporting Member | Mr SM TSE | API/WFSFAA Ag. | 2150 6245 | Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices |
Supporting Member | Mr Chris CL LAM | APII/HKPF | 3660 7139 | Arsenal House, Police Headquarters |
Supporting Member | Mr Alpha YK WONG | APII/WFSFAA | 3897 1238 | 181 Hoi Bun Road, Kuwn Tong |
GITPA Ex-Co 2017-18