News from GITPA (February 2023)
AP Grade Board Game Interest Group

A number of AP grade colleagues have formed a board game interest group, which organises events from time to time, and forms an online community to share new and interesting board games. Recently, they have orgainised a gathering and played games in a party room for a whole day. If you would like to play together in spare time and meet friends who are board game lovers, welcome to contact Raymond YIP at 3509 7190 or Ted WONG at 2123 6001 for details.
GITPA Newsletter – Members’ Message Activity

We are preparing for this year’s GITPA Newsletter. The theme of this issue is “Road to Normalcy”, which marks the end of the three-year pandemic and also symbolizes the starting point for a new journey. This time, we specially set up a members’ message activity, hoping to provide a platform for everyone to share their wishes and expectations for a return to normal life after the pandemic. We will integrate the collected comments into a word cloud and publish it in the coming issue of GITPA Newsletter. You are welcome to leave a message on Google Form before March 15, 2023 (Wednesday). 20 participants will be selected to receive small prizes (GITPA one-year membership or a set of GITPA cutlery).
GITPA Newsletter – Members’ Message Activity

Want to renew your GITPA membership? Contact your site representative or GITPA’s membership secretary now! We have a bunch of events and membership benefits (including discount on HKCS membership; special offers of mobile and broadband plans from 1O1O, HKBN, 3HK and SmarTone; and health check discounts from美邦醫學體檢中心, 全仁醫務中心 and 港醫康醫務中心) waiting for you!
Not a GITPA member yet? Join us now! Your support is indispensable to sustain the development of our staff association. Please continue to join and support GITPA.
GITPA ExCo 2022-23