Membership Application / Renewal
Endowed by the Rules of the Association, GITPA is open to all persons employed by the Hong Kong SAR Government in all ranks of the Analyst/Programmer Grade (AP Grade) below the Assistant Director Rank.
There are currently 2 classes of voting members: Members and Life Members. Members are subject to annual membership renewal and annual payment of membership fees (HK$25.00) for each year. Membership year of the Association starts from the 1st Jan to the 31st Dec for each year.
Life Members, after payment of one-off membership fee (HK$600.00) and approval from GITPA Ex-Co, will be entitled to life-time GITPA membership until he/she is no longer qualified as members, e.g. promoted to Assistant Director Rank.
If a person is joining GITPA for the first time, an additional entrance fee of HK$20.00 is to be added, however, the entrance fee is not applicable for renewal at subsequent years, even if the renewal is not consecutive over the years.
If you are a member of the AP Grade of rank from AP2 to CSM, no matter which departments or ITMUs you are currently serving, you are always welcome to be a member of GITPA. GITPA is the only staff union serving the AP Grade — we are your staff union.

Join or renew your GITPA membership now! Methods:
- Please fill in the Membership – Application Form and despatch the filled form with cheque for membership fee to the Membership Secretary, with address on the back of the Application Form; or
- Please fill in the Online Membership Form and follow the instructions in Google Forms to complete the payment (supporting FPS and PayMe).
If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact the Membership Secretary, Mr Brian TONG at 3854-8037, email to membersecretary@gitpa.org.hk or via contact us.