News from GITPA (May 2020)
The 2020 GITPA Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 13 May 2020 (Wednesday) at the Conference Room 1509 (15/F, Wanchai Tower). In the meeting, the ExCo gave an account of GITPA’s work as well as the financial position in the past year. The new ExCo 2020-21 was also duly elected. We would like to thank all the members for their help and support to make this AGM successful amidst the pandemic.
Please meet our new ExCo for year 2020-21.
Left to Right:
(back) Ida LEE, Phyllis LEUNG, PC WAI, James FOK, Holman TAI, Andrew HO, Alpha WONG, Albert CHAN, Ken WONG, Angus TAM, Andrew FUNG, Richard WONG, Charles CHENG
(front) Winston LEUNG, Janice TANG, Julian YUEN, Oscar U
(not in photo) Hebe LAU
For detail list of GITPA ExCo 2020-21 committee and supporting members, please visit: https://gitpa.org.hk/gitpa-executive-committee-2020-21/
GITPA Ex-Co 2020-21